What should a couple do for pregnancy planning in new normal life?

Having a baby is more difficult when people change their lifestyle to the New Normal because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many couples are worried about whether they should have a baby during this situation or not. Actually, people can become pregnant as usual with more things to be concerned about.

The first thing I would recommend is having good habits. Apart from being careful at all times, taking care of your health is also important.

Getting enough sleep. Some people are probably working late at night during this period so that they can’t sleep on time. Kindly try to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day for the better quality of eggs and sperm.

As well as eating a variety of foods to complete 5 food groups such as pork, chicken, eggs, meat, protein foods. However, extract or intensive protein extract from leguminous plants is not recommended. And also avoid the stress.

If you are smoking or drinking alcohol, I would suggest you to stop these habits for a while in order to have a better egg or sperm.

For those who want to conceive naturally, the couple may have sex regularly 2-3 times per week. In this current situation, getting the vaccine is needed especially if you plan to have a baby. Because when the pregnancy happens, the couple will be at a greater risk for Covid-19. And the vaccine doesn’t affect fertility.

Apart from taking care of your health as I mentioned above. Any couples who prepare to do ICSI, I would recommend some vitamins with antioxidants, Lycopene, Coenzyme Q10, Folic Acid and Astaxanthin. These can nourish women’s eggs.

Vitamins for men to enhance sperm quality are including Lycopene, Coenzyme Q10, Astaxanthin and Vitamin E.

Dr. Wiphawee Luangtangvarodom
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Infertility Treatment Specialist
Prime Fertility Clinic


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent parties and hangovers can directly and indirectly affect your health, especially for those who are already planning to have children. This makes it even more difficult to have children!

Because frequent and large amounts of alcoholic beverages cause the hormones in the body to function abnormally.

What are the effects of drinking alcohol and hangovers?

In men > Abnormal testosterone production results in the body producing less sperm, poor quality sperm, and reduced fertilization ability.

In women > Abnormalities in the pituitary glands hormone system and hormones that control ovarian function result in no ovulation, abnormal uterine lining, and increased chances of premature birth or miscarriage.

It also reduces the absorption of vitamins and minerals, increasing the risk of malnutrition such as magnesium and potassium. It also comes with negative effects from a “hangover” such as insufficient sleep, restless sleep, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, etc. These are indirect negative effects that affect the body. 

Therefore, drinking excessive amounts of liquor, beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages is a cause of infertility and reduces the chances of having children by up to 50%.

If anyone is planning a pregnancy and still has problems controlling their alcohol consumption, you may need to consider consulting a mental health professional or medical professional to find a treatment plan.

Prime Fertility Center does not only provide infertility treatment. What Prime Fertility Center aims for and continuously develops is to provide services to customers with care, consultation, care, and concern for all your feelings, like family members. Because we understand the feelings, pressure, and stress of those who cannot successfully conceive, the clinic intends to provide warmth and full convenience to those who receive services, with determination and care from a team of expert doctors, embryologists, and a team with extensive experience in providing comprehensive care and consultation.

Should you be interested in getting infertility consultation, please contact us.

Prime Fertility Center

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