The story of success by Prime Fertility Clinic
4 qualified embryos were found. Therefore, the clinic prepared wife’s uterus for the embryo implantation. Absolutely! she was pregnant successfully at the first cycle.
PRIME's Babies
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Prime Fertility Clinic 1st Anniversary Celebration
A collection of many impressive photos from “Prime Fertility Clinic 1st Anniversary Celebration”. The ceremony was held at Landmark hotel on 17 August 2019. Both executives, Dr. Poonkiat Punyamitr (CEO & Medical Director) and K. Preeyanuch Chumpolkulvong (CFO), of Prime Fertility Clinic disclosed the annual turnover and discussed the following years’ business direction in order to achieve the organization’s goal. After that, there was a party among our staff at Atrium restaurant warmly and cordially. Moreover, Mr.Sombat Punyamitr who is Advisory Director honored to join this special event with the staff. 81
What is the difference between embryo culture using MINC and Embryoscope?
At present, the laboratory of Prime Fertility Clinic is using the Conventional Standard Incubator system. The Benchtop incubators (MINC) imitate natural condition of an embryo in the uterine cavity. […]
Benefits of Embryo Genetic Testing
Why should you do embryo genetic testing? What about pros and cons?
7 Reasons….why you’re not getting pregnant yet!
Have you ever wondered why you are not getting pregnant yet? […]
Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy
Thyroid disorders during pregnancy no matter Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism must be considered. […]