The story of success by Prime Fertility Clinic
4 qualified embryos were found. Therefore, the clinic prepared wife’s uterus for the embryo implantation. Absolutely! she was pregnant successfully at the first cycle.
PRIME's Babies
Our Services
Thalassemia and IVF
Thalassemia is a severe anemia that can be genetically inherited. There is a 25% risk that the child born from parents in which one of the couple is a carrier of thalassemia would develop severe thalassemia. The carriers will exhibit no symptom of thalassemia and, thus, may not be aware that they are a carrier. […]
Can Women travel During Pregnancy After Embryo Transfer?
There are various factors that deal with safe pregnancy. No doctor can guarantee a 100% safe pregnancy. However, to check if traveling during pregnancy is safe or not depends on these factors:
Is Having Twins Possible for IUI?
Yes, It is possible to have twins by IUI. In fact, ones have 10-15% chance of pregnancy by IUI. There is a 5-10% chance of having twins from this method. The common twins found in IUI are dizygotic twins. […]
Vitamins to Take Before Ovarian Stimulation
Women should take vitamins for at least 15 days to 1 month before ovarian stimulation. But, which vitamins will be beneficial before the stimulation?
What Does the Color of Semen Say?
Have you ever observed the color of your sperm?
Normally, the color of semen is grayish-white. If the color changes from its usual look, it could be a sign of health problems.
Men, Too, Need HPV Vaccines
Many may think that HPV vaccines (Human Papillomavirus) are for women. In fact, men can also get HPV vaccination.
‘DNA Fragmentation’ How does this happen?
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a molecule of the organic compound that carries genetic information of an organism. […]
Does Endometrial Hyperplasia Lead to Infertility?
There are two main causes of Endometrial Hyperplasia 1. Natural endometrial hyperplasia 2. Endometrial Hyperplasia from stimulation […]
What to do before Sperm preservation!
For men who are going to the sperm examination or preservation, many may still have no idea what to prepare before seeing the doctor. We have some suggestions for you. […]