A sterile man can have a child through PESA / TESE.

It is believed that there are many sterile men who want to have a child. Many men may have already given up on having a child. Nowadays, we have modern technology to help sterile men in having a baby!


Using the “Sperm collection directly from testis” method. PESA and TESE are 2 highly popular methods.

How is the difference between these 2 methods? Let’s have a look.

PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): This involves the same needle and syringe technique but the needle is placed directly into the epididymis. After the sperm has been extracted, it is used to fertilize with the egg through ICSI. 

TESE (Testicular Epididymal Sperm Extraction): This is an open surgical biopsy technique to remove a few testicular tissues and extract to find the sperm. Next, it is used to proceed ICSI.

The methods described above can help men who have severe sperm problems such as azoospermia, sterility or epididymal blockage which cause no sperm from ejaculation, low sperm production or low sperm quality leading to infertility. 

Therefore, it is best for men with this kind of problem to consult with a specialized doctor. 

Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

If you’re interested in our ICSI program, kindly find more details as below website: https://www.primefertilitycenter.com/en/package-promotion-2/icsi-package/


ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is an in vitro fertilization procedure with the laboratory technology. Both IVF and ICSI are comprising of similar procedures. But the difference is how sperm will fertilize an egg. In ICSI program, only one best sperm cell will be selected then injected directly into a fully matured egg. Patients will be prescribed some hormonal medications. Stimulating ovaries to produce several eggs. ICSI can make a pleasant fertilization rate. As well as reduces some fertilization problems or abnormalities caused from egg and sperm. For example: multiple sperm fertilize an egg, sperm cannot penetrate the egg. The combined egg will transform to be an embryo after fertilization. Next, the embryo will be raised and will grow up among the appropriate environment inside a laboratory. Finally, the embryo will be transferred to the uterine cavity in order to implant then develop to be the fetus later on.

Couples who should receive the infertility treatment with ICSI program:

  1. Female’s age more than 35 years
  2. Stenosis for both sides of the fallopian tube
  3. Severe Endometriosis
  4. Ovarian hormone dysfunction for examples: Chronic Anovulation, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
  5. Severe sperm abnormalities including sperm morphology, sperm count, sperm motility
  6. Male who is sterile or had a vasectomy but the body can still produce sperm. To extract sperm under this limitation, a surgical procedure will be performed such as PESA, TESA, TESE.
  7. Couples who have failed from previous IVF cycle
  8. Couples who prefer screening the embryo’s genetic diseases

Semen Analysis 


Infertility is caused by many factors as follows:

  1. Male factor is about 30-40%
  2. Female factor is about 30-40%
  3. Male & Female factor about 30%
  4. Unknown factor is about 10-20%

Semen analysis is a main fertility examination in male. However, in order to evaluate the cause of infertility, leading to the appropriate treatment, there are some necessary steps including history taking, health checkup as well as other laboratory tests.

The laboratory tests are consisting of various types of male infertility examination. What needs to be evaluated depends on an individual’s medical history and physical checkup. But semen analysis is compulsory to every case.

Sperm Collecting Instructions

  1. Male should refrain from any sexual activity and ejaculation for at least 2-3 days but not longer than 7 days.
  2. Wash your hands and penis with soap and water, be sure to rinse away all of the soap residue. Dry thoroughly before collecting the semen.
  3. Collect the semen by masturbation.
  4. Avoid touching the area inside the container while collecting the semen.
  5. Condom is not allowed as it contains lubricants that can damage the sperm.
  6. In case male cannot collect the semen by masturbation. It is possible to do sexual activity with his wife and collect the semen in the provided container.
  7. Collect sperm in a clean and sterile container. You can request a container from the clinic and bring it to the clinic within 1 hour.
  8. Do not put the sperm in the refrigerator or expose to the ice. 

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Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent drinking and hangovers increase the risk of infertility

Frequent parties and hangovers can directly and indirectly affect your health, especially for those who are already planning to have children. This makes it even more difficult to have children!

Because frequent and large amounts of alcoholic beverages cause the hormones in the body to function abnormally.

What are the effects of drinking alcohol and hangovers?

In men > Abnormal testosterone production results in the body producing less sperm, poor quality sperm, and reduced fertilization ability.

In women > Abnormalities in the pituitary glands hormone system and hormones that control ovarian function result in no ovulation, abnormal uterine lining, and increased chances of premature birth or miscarriage.

It also reduces the absorption of vitamins and minerals, increasing the risk of malnutrition such as magnesium and potassium. It also comes with negative effects from a “hangover” such as insufficient sleep, restless sleep, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, etc. These are indirect negative effects that affect the body. 

Therefore, drinking excessive amounts of liquor, beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages is a cause of infertility and reduces the chances of having children by up to 50%.

If anyone is planning a pregnancy and still has problems controlling their alcohol consumption, you may need to consider consulting a mental health professional or medical professional to find a treatment plan.

Prime Fertility Center does not only provide infertility treatment. What Prime Fertility Center aims for and continuously develops is to provide services to customers with care, consultation, care, and concern for all your feelings, like family members. Because we understand the feelings, pressure, and stress of those who cannot successfully conceive, the clinic intends to provide warmth and full convenience to those who receive services, with determination and care from a team of expert doctors, embryologists, and a team with extensive experience in providing comprehensive care and consultation.

Should you be interested in getting infertility consultation, please contact us.

Prime Fertility Center

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